Media Tagger is a freeware program intended for editing comments (tags) in multimedia sound files. If you are at least a bit experienced computer user and are familiar with the terms �MP3� and �ID3�, then you don�t need to read this article. If not, you may find some useful information here. MP3 (MPEG Layer 3) is a music-file format. Every MP3 file may (but doesn�t necessarily have to) contain an ID3 tag. This is actually an information, stored right in that MP3 file. The ID3 tag has several cells you can set. These are the Songtitle, Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Comment and several more such as Composer, Original artist, Copyright, URL, Encoder type, etc. All experienced and conscientious MP3 collectors (and not only them � me too :)) maintain their ID3 tags and keep them up to date. Though, it�s very laborious to fill them in manually. Let�s take the classic MP3 player � WinAMP. Of course, you may use it to fill in the tags, but you have to browse through the files � one after another � press Alt+3 and enter all the desired information. But MEDIA Tagger is here to solve this problem.